Jumat, 08 April 2011

Bolero `MS`

Bermula dari seorang teman yang nunjukin sbuah bolero dari MS. Unik dan Simple. Lalu kucoba mentransfernya ke batik, dan inilah jadinya.

my April

Pernah sekali waktu, saat ayahku terjebak dlm situasi rumit di kantornya, kami harus pindah dari rumah kami yg besar di tengah kota ke rumah yang jauh lebih kecil di sebuah desa yang jauhnya nga kepalang dari kota Denpasar. Aku masih berumur 9thn waktu itu. Dan untuk membantu perekonomian keluarga, ibuku membersihkan mesin jahitnya lalu mulai mempromosikan dirinya untuk menerima jahitan baju dan kebaya. Mulai saat itu, tidak ada lagi waktu utk bermain. Karena disaat waktu lenggang, aku dan kakakku, kami diwajibkan untuk menolong beliau. Mulai dari merendam kain sebelum proses cutting, belajar patern, belajar menggunakan jarum dan benang... ngesum dan njelujur...

Ada saat dimana aku menangis bombay karena merasa dipaksa utk melakukan tugas-tugas itu. Pernah juga aku me'ngesum satu baju sambil berlinang airmata... Tapi ibuku seorang 'jendral', tak ada yg dapat membantah kata-katanya... Teman, bila aku tidak membantunya tak akan ada uang jajan dan ongkos naek angkot ke sekolah.

Lama berselang, tak pernah sedikitpun terbersit niat untuk punya usaha jahit menjahit seperti sekarang ini.... ! Hah... mimpi pun tidak.

Manusia lahir membawa ceritanya sendiri-sendiri. Membawa karmanya tiada kurang tiada lebih. Hidup sesuai takdirnya tanpa bisa di elakkan. Dan disinilah aku sekarang berdiri. Kalau dulu ibuku cuman punya pegawai aku dan kakakku, tp sekarang aku sdh mengembangkan sayap setidaknya lebih lebar dari ibuku.

Ma, kuharap kau akan bangga padaku... setidaknya utk sekali ini.

Senin, 14 Maret 2011

Me n My fav.Badminton player

Paris Van Java

Bandung, Paris Van Java, it can make us restless eye. Wherever the eye leads us always find something interesting ... whether it's exciting because of its beauty or exciting us amazement.

Outlets Faxtory scattered everywhere. How can we move away from them?

However, there is a sense relief also in the heart. Because not many, even almost nothing to sell Lawasan ready to wear.
So when we were exhibiting at the PVJ, even booths left and right at quiet we could still exciting breath relief ..

Sabtu, 12 Maret 2011


Poncho made ​​from animal skin, wood bark and leaves are given a hole in the middle for the head can go, while the left side is not sewn. Poncho is referred to here is a basic form of clothing that comes from the Native Americans, the people of Mexico and Peru-Indians, who at the time it's been almost lost in his native country. Its original form is used as a cover upper body, consisting of a folded piece of fabric wide in the middle. In this fold searched the middle, made ​​a hole for the neck hole. Characteristic of this basic shape that has no parts of the middle face.

In its development, fashion poncho can be processed in such a way. Not only fixed on one model, but can be made ​​according to our interests and desires.

This past year I have developed some kind of poncho.

Starting from the model of poncho "krah", poncho straps, shanghai poncho, poncho jacket, poncho V, casandra poncho, poncho neci, poncho kite, and poncho jumper.

In their daily life, this model is very flexible to any kind of any age or body type.
no matter whether you loose or thin-bodied, old or young ... all looks chic and elegant with this model.

With the addition of a few ornaments, poncho is no longer just a piece of cloth with a hole in the middle.
Pieces of batik cloth that is not used anymore can be a creation of unique and chic.

Did you have a poncho in your cupboard? Go with your Poncho,dear....

Senin, 14 Februari 2011

My February

bulan yang singkat namun melelahkan.... dead line utk design yg terbaru... little bit confusing but full exciting...
Jakarta sudah menanti....
Jumping time n Am ready to Jump to Jakarta.

2-6 MARET 2011